Saturday, February 9, 2019

#myproject41 13/365: goodbye, honey leigh massage

Why I Massage. 
During my years as a Single Mama, I experienced powerful loneliness. This sometimes led to making decisions that only caused me more pain. I’ve watched many beloved women follow this same path for those same reasons, and it grieves my heart. As natural caretakers of others, us women also often ignore self-care until we are too drained to give any more, but this never negates our own need to be cared for. 

Humans were created to be in relationships, first with God and then with each other. In our desperation for true intimacy and connection, we often turn to less satisfying options that temporarily fill the void in our hearts, but ultimately leave them aching and needing more. It’s my hope that women will consider massage as a healthy alternative to other activities that may leave their hearts in worse shape.

Massage is something I’ve wanted to do for over a decade, but up until 2014, I had let fear stop me from pursuing it. Then, during a conversation with a Single Mama friend, I clearly heard the Lord tell me it was time. But I had zero money to make it happen. I knew this was what the Lord was leading me to do, but the financial burden on my family for me to go to school and start a business was overwhelming. As I stepped out in faith (and not gonna lie, some definite fear and lots of humility), I watched as the Lord intervened on my behalf. I remember sitting in the office of the massage school as I signed the contract and told the director (which I’m sure she was just thrilled to hear), “It doesn’t even matter what amount I write down as my payment each month, because I can’t commit to pay anything out of our budget. I have no idea how I’m going to pay for this. But I believe it’s going to work out.”

And it did.

Each month, almost like magic, people came forward with donations of money, massage tables or items for me to sell to pay for school. I ended up paying for books and supplies and the entire tuition months before school was even finished. I started a business, named it Honey Leigh Massage (after my daughters), and together with my husband, created a beautiful space to massage in, all without having to go into a dime of debt.
This was absolutely the Lord's doing, and I am grateful every day for it.

Goodbye Honey Leigh Massage.
Up until mid-2018, though, I'd allowed myself to be talked out of running my ministry the way I truly wanted. I was told that if I didn’t put a price on my massage, no one else would value it. So, I ignored my gut, set a price, and tried to run a business instead.

The sad result was that I lost focus and it started to become about money, which, of course, was never enough. Massage turned into something I started to dread and fear instead of the gift I believe it to be. 2017-2018 had been an especially difficult battle that took a toll on my emotional, mental and even physical health. It got bad enough that I had to take a season off, which in turn, caused me a lot of guilt. The enemy took the very thing God intended to use for good and His glory and turned it into a burden. 

Last May, I decided I’m officially done letting that happen. Time to refocus and put the past behind me. I will no longer allow the enemy to rob me of the joy the Lord has for me, my family and all those I am I meant to cross paths with.

So, goodbye, Honey Leigh Massage. 

Hello, Manna Massage.

My Vision.
Manna Massage exists as a women’s escape from the pain offered by the world; a place to be reminded they are loved and valued. My heart is to offer healing touch to hurting women. I provide a safe, nurturing sanctuary where women can relax and be still, an hour at a time. Through a pay-what-you-can donation, this gift is offered to all women, regardless of economic status.

Why Massage Is Important.
Physical touch that is actually wanted causes the release of oxytocin (the “feel good” hormone). It helps to nurture feelings of trust and connectedness and it also reduces cortisol (the stress hormone). Just twenty seconds of affectionate touching (hugging, holding hands, back rubs, etc.) is enough to trigger the release of oxytocin. Massage helps to get your blood and lymph circulating, which can clear your body of toxins, improve your mood, help you sleep, increase your metabolism, reduce pain and stiffness, and a whole host of other amazing benefits. Massage is good for your body, mind and soul.

Why I Offer Pay-What-You-Can. 
While I truly believe that the absolute best way to heal is through an intimate relationship with God the Healer (Philippians 4:19, Psalm 30:2), I also believe He gave us each other to be His hands and feet on this earth (Galatians 6:2). I’ve always loved massage, and often wondered if having the means to get a regular massage during my single days would’ve stopped me from making some unwise and painful decisions.

Lack of money is an awful, but very realistic reason to continue being in pain of any kind. So, I want to offer relaxation massage to women in one-hour increments, at a rate of pay-what-you-can. Truly. This means if you want or need a massage, and all you have is $2 you scraped up from the backseat of the car, I want to see you on my table. If paying $100 for a massage is within your means, I want to see you on my table. It does not matter to me. Either way I’m going to treat you with the same nurturing care I would want from a massage therapist.

Why I Call It “Manna” Massage.
The reason it doesn’t matter to me if you pay a little or a lot for a massage is because I know that the Lord is my Provider. Not you, not my husband, and not even my ability to massage. And quite frankly, I need to be constantly reminded of that.
In Exodus, the Lord provided His people with a daily dose of nourishment they called “Manna” (meaning, “What is it?”). Every morning when they awoke, the ground was covered with a mysterious substance that they could eat. The Lord provided what they needed every single day, so worrying about what they were going to eat the following day wasn’t necessary. I want to live in that kind of unshakable peace; the kind that only trusting the Lord provides (Philippians 4:7). 

How It Works.

Since massage is a gift that was given to me, and I believe gifts are to be shared, that is what I intend to do. To best share this gift, and to keep my focus in the right place, I don’t even want to discuss money with you.

Yes. I know that sounds unprofessional. But I mean it. This isn’t about money for me, and I certainly don’t want it to be about money for you.

Money = stress.
Massage = stress-free. Isn’t that so much better?!

So, if you want a massage, you text or email me, and make an appointment. And on the day of your appointment, after you’re all nice and relaxed, there will be a lovely little blue treasure box for you to put your cash or check in. And you can put in whatever amount of money you can comfortably afford and feel good about donating.

I truly do not want you to over think this. If you can afford $2, $26, $65 or $120, put that amount of money in the box. That part is between you and God. I’m not even going to look in the box after you leave. Really. I will check that box on the first of each month and thank the Lord for providing whatever He chose to provide. Because the part that is between me and the Lord is that I continue to offer His gift with a willing heart. Money only complicates that.

1 Peter 4:10 instructs me, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” So, ladies, please come see me. I would be honored to offer you an hour of healing.
