Monday, May 29, 2017

:: the aftermath of leaving home (part 1)

A short time ago, we had to make the painful decision to leave our church home, after discovering we no longer agreed with the theology. I emailed a letter to 14 members of the staff, and got a reply from 13 of them. All kind, all supportive, all encouraging us to follow our hearts. But not a single staff member from our Christian church told me I was wrong when I said we had to leave because they were demoting Jesus to a mystic guru to emulate, instead of the Son of God to be worshipped. This was an incredibly painful confirmation for us that leaving was the right thing. I really wanted to be wrong.

Eastlake was our sacred place where, for 8 years, we worshipped Jesus (or thought we were), the place where we shared our faith and joy, sorrows and secrets, and poured in our time and money. I went through a divorce, started over, got remarried, experienced the death of my new husband's niece and nephew, and the birth and traumatic hospitalization of our daughter there. Having to leave such an important place to us has triggered a season of deep grief that I didn't expect, and certainly wasn't prepared forThe closest comparison I can come up with is that it's felt a lot like my divorce did 9 years ago. I know there were good times, and beautiful relationships made, but to suddenly learn of the indiscretions, the lies that have been told, and so many dark secrets that have been going on behind the scenes overrides any goodness that was there. Suddenly, all I can see is everything that's gone wrong, and the bad news just keeps coming and coming. The past couple of months have been an overwhelming torrent of new realizations that come like a punch in the gut, each with a wave of fresh grief. It all feels like a lie.

For the sake of clarity, let me say that the intention of this post is threefold:

1. To help process my own feelings and grief through this season.

2. To share truth, because there are a lot of lies and twisted half-truths being shared at Eastlake right now. To this end, I will be including lots of Scripture (as well as other websites and a few songs), as links you can visit rather than embedded within my text. (I do this because if you’re anything like I was a few months ago, you’re completely turned off by Scripture right now, and I don’t want you glazing over and not hearing what I have to say.)

3. To let anyone else in a position like this (or who will be at some point) know they're not alone. This road is a weary one, and I want to help ease the pain in any way I can.

This isn’t going to be an easy read, and it’s definitely not easy to share. But I’m trying to be quicker to be obedient when I feel the Lord’s nudging, because when I do, I find myself stepping into His plan which is just SO.MUCH.BETTER than my plans are, ever. That’s part of what this blog is. Writing this, and especially making it public is pretty scary for me, not gonna lie. I stand to lose a lot more friends, and I’m going to make people angry. But I believe this is a lot bigger than any of that, and the ramifications of staying silent when I have such big truths to share are way more detrimental than any hurt I may experience on this earth.

I hope, though, that you’ll read my words through my lens: as someone who loves Eastlake and its staff deeply and has a personal knowledge, history and experience there; as someone who tries to love people with the love of Jesus; and as someone who believes the Truth is important to point out when it’s being misrepresented. No one appreciates being lied to. I share this out of obedience, and I especially share this out of love.

Due to the heavy nature of, as well as length of this post, I will be breaking it up into a 6-part series, with one post being shared each day, starting today (this is the first one). It will take some time to process.

Until tomorrow…
